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Shmuel Harofeh Hospital Affiliated with the School of Medical and Health Sciences, Tel Aviv University
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State of Israel
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Remarks Of The Hospital Management

"Shmuel Harofe" Hospital is a Government Geriatric Hospital, located at Be'er Yaakov. The Hospital is affiliated to the Tel Aviv University Sackler Medical School.


The specially designated purpose of the Hospital is to provide quality medical, nursing-care and paramedical services, of a high professional standard and with a personal approach, for the elderly in the area of the coastal plain and the central district, both as a matter of routine and in times of emergency.


There are in the Hospital two internal-geriatric wards, an internal medicine ward, two geriatric rehabilitation wards and three wards for complex nursing-care.

In addition, the Hospital includes a ward, the only one in Israel, for the treatment of tuberculosis.

It is anticipated that an artificial respiration ward will be opened in the near future.


The Hospital specializes in the following spheres of treatment


• Treatment of acute illnesses - internal medicine, geriatric, and orthopedic


• Neurological rehabilitation

• Rehabilitation in a DE-CONDITIONING condition following severe illnesses

or complicated surgical operations, causing a sharp functional decrease.

• Respiratory rehabilitation

• Treatment of prolonged and complex illnesses

• Treatment of lung disease and tuberculosis

• Palliative treatment


Shmuel Harofe Hospital has an emergency room working in conjunction with Assaf Harofe Hospital and operates with it in collaboration in all the clinical fields.


Many, and a diverse range of, medical advice services are available at the hospital.


The new and accessible internet website of Shmuel Harofe Hospital constitutes another tier in the renewal and progress of the hospital in recent years in terms of medical aspects and treatment, technology and in terms of improvement of the hospitalization conditions and of the service to the patient and his relatives.


We, the Management and the dedicated staff of employees, wish you and members of your family good health and long lives.
We hope that surfing the website is a pleasant and fruitful experience for you. 


Contact details Telephone 08-9258756 Fax 08-9258755  


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