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Shmuel Harofeh Hospital Affiliated with the School of Medical and Health Sciences, Tel Aviv University
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State of Israel
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What is geriatrics?

Geriatrics is a field of medicine which specializes in health conditions that afflict patients 65 years of age or older.

Geriatrics assumes a holistic approach towards patients, and provides for psychological, memory-related, medical and social issues experienced by the same patient.

Geriatric patients can be subdivided into three groups:

  1. 65-74
  2. 75-84
  3. 85+ (the "old-old")

The first age group includes patients who have recently retired. They generally participate in raising their grandchildren and in various volunteering activities within their communities.
The second age group partially resides in "protected tenancies" or in retirement homes.
The third age group is the smallest, albeit fastest-growing of the three.

Consequently, we should find a growing number of persons 85 years of age or older.

Geriatrics focuses on the following:

  1. Memory loss and dementia (e.g. Alzheimer's Disease)
  2. Depression
  3. Recurrent falls
  4. Pharmacological balance
  5. Incontinence

The Rehabilitation Wing at the "Shmuel Ha'rofe" Geriatric Center is a multidisciplinary department which includes specialists, nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and social workers.

Each staff member is specifically-trained in their area of expertise.

As a consequence, patients admitted into the Wing receive superb and world-class care and treatment, with an emphasis given to the "geriatric creed":

"Add life to years, not years to life"

To schedule a diagnostic appointment, please call 08-9258707

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