Welcome to the new site
Nurse recruitment at Shmuel Ha'rofe Medical-Geriatric Center The time is right –Superb conditions and benefits for suitable candidates
The new Artificial Respiration Department – To be announced
The hospital has launched a center-wide accessibility project: signs have been erected in three languages (English, Hebrew and Arabic), and special audio equipment has been introduced for people with hearing impairment.
Service declaration
We, workers of the "Shmuel Harofeh" Hospital are committed to serving our patients faithfully and to meet the needs and needs of thier families .provide quality personal service based on fairness, transparency, professionalism, respect and humanity.
Wishing you and your family good health and longevity.
Earthquake guidelines for people with disabilities
סרטון היערכות אנשי עם מוגבלות - עברית